Monday, August 21, 2006

Time for Schooll!!! These are the words we heard coming from the room down the hall at 6:30 am. Andrew could hardly wait to begin his first day at school. With his backpack filled with all his supplies and his snack bag in hand he went on his way with the biggest smile ever. :) He sits in the front row next to his little friend Jamin. He loves having a desk that he can open and close. Today on his first day he used his red crayon and learned where all those supplies in his backpack will stay. When we asked him what he learned today he said "I don't know". We hope that as each day goes by those words will chage. Such an exciting day!! He is looking forward to tomorrow. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so pround of my big boy! I can remember a day when I held him in my arms and rocked him to sleep. Now he's going to school! The time will pass him grow and pray for him.

Anonymous said...

It hardly seems possible! Way to go, Andrew! Hope you have fun, make many good friends and learn lots of interesting things. Love you bunches!