Saturday, May 26, 2007

Andrew's Kindergarten Graduation

He did it!!!!! Andrew graduateed from Kindergarten. We are so very proud of him. He recieved many awards along with his diploma. He was awarded the handwritting award, A+ honor roll and the obedience award. He had a very sucessful year. Andrew's teacher, Jackie Allen was so wonderful. She gave so much love to the kindergarten class. Andrew is looking forward to being in first grade and so are we!!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The kids visit to MomMom and Poppy's house

The kids went to visit my mom and Jerry this past weekend and they had so much fun!! Mom and Jerry took them to a friends farm. They were able to hold newborn baby chicks, mix some feed and give the feed to the cows. They loved every minute of their time with their grandparents. We can't even begin to thank my parents for the time they gave to the kids last weekend. I know that it is hard work to have these three!


Our family recently lost a man that was truly loved. "Bud" Zuerner passed away on May 11th,2007. He will be greatly missed. The family all gathered together this past weekend to celebrate his life. Although it was so sad to say goodbye to the man so frequently called "papaw" it was wonderful to see family that we have not seen in many years. Papaw would have loved being with everybody. However he would have hated that we were there because of him. We will miss him very much!!!