Friday, September 15, 2006

The drive to Church that went so wrong!!

Wednesday nights at our house seem to be very hectic!!! We are always rushing out the door for church! Usually once we get in the car things start to calm down and we have some time to gather our thoughts for the next rush (getting everyone to the right place on time). This past Wednesday seemed to go a little different. We were running a little behind and had to eat extremly fast, so we wouldn't have to sit in Michigan traffic. Even though we left at normal time we hit a huge traffic jam on the highway. Thinking we were smart, we got off. Only to find out there was no way around it!! Now, it gets even better. Nathaniel ,our three year old, has the bladder the size of a dime. He begins to complain about how badly he has to us the potty!! Mind you we are sitting on Crooks Rd. in bumper to bumper traffic!!! So what do we do? We plead with him to hold on just alittle while longer. We finally reached the parking lot of a strip mall and yes , we let him go in the parking lot!! Oh,did I tell you it was pouring rain!!! Ok, so you think that's not so bad. I'm not done yet. Just when we thought the crises was over, our 5 year old (Andrew) begain to cmplain about his tummy hurting. Andrew and I looked at eachother and said "OH NO"!! That's right!! He was car sick. We started asking him ever 5 seconds "Are you ok"? Finally, we were back on the highway making decent time. Then it happened!! Andrew Jr. yelled from the back of the car,"I'M GOING TO THROW UP"!! Well, as fast as humanly possible Andrew pulled the car over and I jumped out of my seat to grab him. Thankfully we made it just in time. Yes, it was still pouring rain!!! We made it to church and we were only 15 minutes late. It was crazy! It was like a bad dream that got worse minute by minute. KIDS ARE GREAT!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

What a gang!! They are just too cute. :)

Katie and Maddie. Soon to be the Best of Friends!!!

Best Buddies

Andrew and Nathan are the Best of Friends :)

Woe is Me!!!!

Well, Andrew is into his third week of Kindergarten and now homework has started. When we begin, all is well and he is very excited to do the work at hand. By the time we are on the second page of handwriting we are on our second warning of the consequences of a bad attitude. Now, I know handwriting is a very important skill but it is not an easy one to attain. We are working on the letters that live in the downstairs (lowercase) and trying to write our numbers. It may seem very easy to you but believe me it is not!!!! I will keep encouraging him to do his best. Like you, I know that in the end we all write whatever way we want!!!